Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Thought-Provoking Picture

This image depicts a conch shell in a desert, with a sky turning from clear to ominous in the distance. The photo could be meaningless, or it could mean something significant to the viewer, depending on the different perspectives of each individual.

The shell seems like it could be out of place. Why would a shell be in a desert? What is the significance of the sky changing from light to dark in the background, or the mountain range before it?

The rippling surface of the desert signifies a pattern, or something continuous, from what I see. There is nothing that the eye can see except for a single shell. The shell is beautiful, and represents water and life- something that the desert has little of. The mountains in the background could be interpreted as a wall of some sort, concealing whatever lies beyond it from the viewer.

When it comes to finding your personal style, it is easy to get caught up in recent trends on social media platforms, TV, and of people around you.

If you choose to go against “norms” in fashion and wear something unique, you may find yourself out of place, just like the shell in this photo. But, that is not a bad thing. In the photo, the shell could represent a token of beauty among something dull and lifeless such as a desert.

Strive for originality, and do not be afraid! Find the personal style that makes you the happiest. Be the conch shell in the desert. 

What makes your style unique?

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